
Slovak language course for Erasmus students

The aim of the Slovak language course for Erasmus+ students is to provide students with basic communication skills in everyday life as well as at university. Emphasis is placed on practice - interactive communication. Students are encouraged to remember basic phrases useful in everyday communication. Apart from the linguistic aspect, strong focus is also placed on intercultural aspect.
Another aspect of the course is to present Slovakia as a country of high cultural diversity, rich history, traditions and natural beauty.
Students are taught in small groups, which is particularly beneficial in maintaining group dynamics and adapting to the individual progress of students. Personal approach and support from teachers contributes significantly to creating comfortable atmosphere in class.

Slovak language course for Erasmus+ students at the University of Žilina is tailored to students' needs. The content of the course is based on an analysis of real needs of students throughout several years of practice. Innovative and activating teaching concepts such as games, role-plays, stories, etc. are used in order to make learning more encouraging and more motivating for students.
Based on several years of experience of conducting Slovak language courses for foreign students within the Erasmus+ program, the course lecturers designed a coursebook called „Malina or let's learn Slovak together“. Specific feature of the book is its precise targeting at everyday communication needs of Erasmus+ students during their stay at the university. Professional graphic design adds up to the attractiveness of the publication. It includes audio recordings available online along with the Answer Key.
In order to make learning of the Slovak language more attractive to the students and at the same time introduce the intercultural dimension of language learning, some of the classes are taught off-campus (Budatín Castle, Rosenfeld Palace, Žilina Theatre, Stanica Záriečie, New Synagogue cultural centre etc.)


1. Pozdravy, predstavovanie
Introduction. Greetings.

2. Rodina. Priatelia. Formulár, osobné údaje
My family. Friends. Filling in a form. Personal data.

3. V reštaurácii. Prosím si...
In a restaurant. I´d like...

4. Orientácia.Cestovanie MHD. Kde je...?
Getting around. Public transport. Where is…?

5. Jedlo. Mám rád...
Food. I like...

6. Univerzita. Denný program. Koľko je hodín.
The university. Daily programe. What is the time?

7. Nakupovanie, služby
(pošta, banka...).
Shopping. Services.

8. Problémy, problémy. Problems of everyday life. My computer is broken. The lift isn´t working.

9. U lekára. Časti ľudského tela.
At the doctor´s. Parts of human body.


1. Predstavovanie, moja univerzita a moja krajina
Let me introduce myself, my university and my country

2. Môj obľúbený herec, spevák, autor... Adjektíva – rod
My favourite actor, singer, author...

3. Problémy na internáte – nesvieti svetlo, nefunguje elektrika, okno je rozbité, voda tečie...
Problems at the dormitory – light isn´t working, there is no electricity, wi-fi signal, window is broken, water tap is leaking

4. Čo robíš?   Verbá – časovanie
What are you doing?

5. Orientácia po meste  - Ako sa dostanem do fitcentra Fit up? Cestovanie MHD, vlakom, autobusom.
Getting around – How can I get to fitness club Fit up?, travelling by public transport, train, bus

6. Na univerzite - Kedy musím odovzdať zadanie ?
Aké predmety si môžem zapísať?
Kedy sa končí semester?
Koľko kreditov môžem 
dostať  za...
Modálne slovesá, príslovky frekvencie
University – What is the deadline for my assignment? What subjects can I enrol for? How many credits can I get for...?

7. Nakupovanie  -  projekt:   Koľko čo stojí? Minulý čas
Shopping  - How much is...? Past tense

8. Schôdzka naslepo - Mám
rád...  Akuzatív
Blind date – I like...

9. Ako používame počítač ?
How does a PC work?

10. Čo budeme robiť cez víkend? Budúci čas
What are we going to do at the weekend?

11. Cestujeme po Slovensku –
v hoteli na recepcii,
na železničnej stanici, v múzeu
Travelling around Slovakia – at the hotel reception, at the train station, in a museum...

12. Na pošte, V banke
At the post office, In the bank

13. U lekára
At the doctor´s

COURSE BOOK: Malina alebo naučme sa spolu po slovensky

EXAM REQUIREMENTS: final test (min 60%) + oral exam (syllabus corresponding to the conversational topics)

Students will be awarded 2 ETCS credits after successful completion of the course.

TEAM OF LECTORS: Mgr. Andrea Záhorcová Gavláková, Mgr. Jana Kišová, PhD.