
Certified Slovak language exams


Level B1, B2

(intermediate, upper intermediate) according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Dates of language exams in the summer semester 2024 - level B1, B2

Registration deadline Date and time of written test Date of oral test Level Form of testing Application

until 1.4.2025

3.4.2025  at 9 a.m.



online (via MS Teams)

max. capacity 20

until 5.4.2025

9.4.2025 at 9 a.m..



online  (via MS Teams)

max. capacity 20

until 25.4.2025

30.4.2025 at 9 a.m.



online  (via MS Teams)

max. capacity 20

until 11.5.2025

14.5.2025 at 9 a.m.



online  (via MS Teams)

max. capacity 20

until 19.5.2025

21.5.2025 at 9 a.m.



online  (via MS Teams)

max. capacity 20

until 26.5.2025

28.5.2025 at 9 a.m.



online  (via MS Teams)

max. capacity 20


  • During the entire exam (both written and speaking part), the candidate’s camera must be turned on and pointed at the candidate so that the candidate and their surroundings are visible. The candidate will be disqualified from the exam if the camera is turned off.

  • The candidate must write the test on a PC/laptop. Mobile phones or tablet computers cannot be used due to the problematic shared screen configuration during testing.
  • Virtual backgrounds are prohibited.


Testing - its individual parts are the same for both face-to-face and online testing. General english is being tested

The candidate writes the task by hand, in a clear and intelligible manner. The candidate sends the written text in the form of a scan (pdf) or a photo (jpg) to the assigned e-mail so that his/her work can be read and evaluated within the first 30 minutes after starting to write.

Written part of the exam Time Number of points Characteristics

Reading comprehension

30 minutes


two texts for reading and two tasks (10 questions/10 points each)

Listening comprehension

30 minutes


two texts for listening and two tasks (10 questions/10 points each)

Grammar, language structures

30 minutes


20 questions (choose from options a. b. c. d.)


30 minutes


1 task (e-mail message in the form of an announcement, apology, request, etc.)

* Writing will no longer be the standard part of the online exam. It will be conducted only in person at the UNIZA premises, following the individual candidate’s application.

There are 10-minute breaks between individual (30-minute) parts of the exam. In the case of online testing, it is necessary to ensure a high-quality connection to the internet and a camera.

Oral part of the exam Time Number of points Characteristics


30 minutes


guided conversation (interview) and problem-solving task

REGISTRATION FOR TESTING for candidates interested in studying at the University of Žilina - free of charge

It is only possible via electronic application. By clicking on the Application button, you will be redirected to the electronic application form. After the application deadline, you will receive an email with important information (invitation to the exam, organisational instructions, technical instructions for online testing).

  • The test results will be sent in electronic form to the relevant faculty of the University of Žilina within 10 working days.
  • The issuance of a paper form of the CERTIFICATE of language level B1, B2, with a breakdown of the results achieved in the individual language competences (reading and listening comprehension, mastery of language structures, writing, and speaking) is possible for
    fee of €63 
  • It is possible to be tested only once, not repeatedly.

REGISTRATION FOR TESTING for candidates interested in studying at another university – fee €63 

It is only possible via electronic application. By clicking on the Application button, you will be redirected to the electronic application form. After the application deadline, you will receive an email with important information (invitation to the exam, organisational instructions, technical instructions for online testing).

  • Test results will be available after 10 working days.
  • Participants will be issued with a paper form of a CERTIFICATE of language level B1, B2, with a breakdown of the results achieved in the individual language competences (reading and listening comprehension, mastery of language structures, writing, and speaking). The certificate can be picked up in person at the office, or a scan of the certificate will be emailed to the participant.
  • It is possible to be tested only once, not repeatedly.


  • The maximum number of points is 100. The minimum pass rate is 60%: a minimum of 12 points in each part of the exam and a total of 60 points.
  • In the writing and speaking parts, the following are evaluated: the content and comprehensibility of oral or written communication skills; the richness of vocabulary; the correct use of grammatical structures; the stylistics of the text; and pronunciation (in oral speech).

Contact and information:


Telefón: +421 41 513 50 42

Mobil: +421 918 805 226