
Professional foreign language at the Faculty of Operation
and Economics of Transport and Communications UNIZA

Fields of study: Economics

Bachelor's degree study

English/German/Russian in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semesters of study in the field of study Electronic Business and Management and in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th semesters of study in the fields of study Economics and Management of Enterprise and Financial Management.
Emphasis on academic and professional language production in the fields of study Economics and Management of Enterprise, Financial Management, Electronic Business and Management.

Study material:
Updated material according to the field of study: worksheets, thematic professional vocabulary in economic fields of study - internal teaching material of the Institute of Lifelong Learning UNIZA

English language
Whitby, N.: Business Benchmark Upper-Intermediate, 2013 Buy
CCotton, D. – Falvey, D. – Kent, S.: Market Leader Intermediate Coursebook, 2014
MacKenzie, J.: English for Business Studies , 2010
Murphy, R.: English Grammar in Use, 2019
Powell, P.: Dynamic Presentations. Cambridge Business Skills, 2011
professional texts developed by the Institute of Lifelong Learning

German language
Mueller, A., Schlueter, S.: Im Beruf. Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Zweitsprache. 2013
Hagner, V., Schlueter, S.: Im Beruf. Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Zweitsprache. 2013
Ondrčková, E.: Wirtschaftsdeutsch im Unternehmen. professional texts developed by the Institute of Lifelong Learning

Russian language
Dubinskaya, E.V., Artemyeva, G.V., Dubinina, L.L., Melnik, O.S., i kol. Budushschemu ekonomistu - yazik special´nosti: uchebnoye posobiye dlja inostrannych grazhdan, 2019
Popova, I.M, Patrakeyeva, E.B, Glazkova, M. M. Russkij jazyk dlja ekonomistov, 2014
Korchagina. E.L, Litvinova, N.D: Priglashenie v Rossiju. Russkij jazyk, 2011
Medvedeva, S.V.: Russkaya grammatika v illjustrirovannych uprazhnenijach, 2019
professional texts developed by the Institute of Lifelong Learning

Engineering degree study

English/German/Russian in the 1st and 2nd semesters of study in the field of study Electronic Business and Management and in the 2nd and 3rd semesters of study in the fields of study Economics and Management of Enterprise and Financial Management.
Emphasis on academic and professional language production of students in the fields of study Economics and Management of Enterprise, Financial Management, Electronic Business and Management.

Study material:
Updated material according to the field of study: worksheets, thematic professional vocabulary in economic fields of study - internal teaching material of the Institute of Lifelong Learning UNIZA

English language
Whitby, N.: Business Benchmark Upper-Intermediate and Intermediate, 2013,
Muscull, B: Business English in Use Advanced, Cambridge University 2017
Murphy, R.: English Grammar in Use, 2019, ISBN 110-85-8662-7
Cotton, D. – Falvey, D. – Kent, S.: Market Leader Intermediate Coursebook., 2014,
MacKenzie, J.: English for Business Studies, Cambridge University Press, 2010, ISBN 9780521743426

German language
Mueller, A.: Im Beruf. Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Zweitsprache. 2013
Hagner, V.: Im Beruf. Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Zweitsprache. Hueber Verlag 2013,
professional texts developed by the Institute of Lifelong Learning

Russian language
Dubinskaya, E.V., Artemyeva, G.V., Dubinina, L. L., Melnik, O.S., i kol. Budushschemu ekonomistu - yazik special´nosti: uchebnoye posobiye dlja inostrannych grazhdan. 2019
Popova, I.M, Patrakeyeva, E.B, Glazkova, M.M. Russkij jazyk dlja ekonomistov, 2014
Korchagina. E.L, Litvinova, N. D: Priglashenie v Rossiju. Russkij jazyk.2011
Medvedeva, S.V.: Russkaya grammatika v illjustrirovannych uprazhnenijach. 2019
Chabadová, H.: Ekonomisty, davajte pogovorim po-russki 2006. - Dulebová, I. : Ruský jazyk pre pokročilých 1/2. - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : Ekonóm, 2007. - 110 s. ISBN 978-80-225-2298-4, 978-80-225--Wade, T.: A Comprehensive Russian Grammar. 2011
professional texts developed by the Institute of Lifelong Learning

Doctoral degree study

English/German/Russian/French in the 1st and 2nd semesters of study.
The Institute of Lifelong Learning UNIZA provides teaching in the 1st semester of study.
Emphasis on academic and professional foreign language in the context of doctoral degree study - professional presentations and scientific articles.

Recommended literature:

English language
M. McCarthy, F.O´Dell: Academic Vocabulary in Use, 2008.
C.B. Norris: Academic writing in English. 2016.
M. Hewings, C. Thaine, M. McCarthy: English for Academic Purposes , 2012.
L. Štěpánek, J. de Haaff a kol.: Academic English/Akademická angličtina, 2011.
A. Vicary: English for Academic Study, Garnet Publishing, 2020.
L. Môcová, D. Sršníková: Academic Writing. Handouts. Internal teaching material of the Section of Foreign Languages of the Institute of Lifelong Learning UNIZA, 2021.

German language
R. Ribing, M. Karmasin: Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. Ein Leitfaden für Facharbeit/VWA, Seminararbeiten, Bachelor-, Master-, Magister- und Diplomarbeiten sowie Dissertationen, 2017.
S. Jahr: Wissenschaftsdeutsch NEU, Booksbaum, 2011.
G. Graefen: Moll, Melanie: Wissenschaftssprache Deutsch: lesen – verstehen – schreiben. Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2011.
G. Schade: Einführung in die deutsche Sprache der Wissenschaften. Ein Lehrbuch für Deutsch als Fremdsprache mit Lösungsschlüssel. 13. Auflage. Berlin: Schmidt, 2009.
N. Fügert, U. Richter: Wissenchaftssprache verstehen, Klett Sprachen GmbH., 2016.
Kurze Wortliste zur Deutschen Wissenchaftsprache:

French language
Stéphane Wattier, Production écrite DALF C1, 2021.
Garnier Sylvie, Savage Alan D., Rédiger un texte académique en français, Niveaux B2 a C2, 2018.

Lecturer team:

Mgr. Oľga Kissová
Coordinator of higher education of professional foreign language at the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications UNIZA - economic fields
Office AC111
Phone: +421 41 513 6156

Mgr. Zuzana Gavorová, PhD.
Office AC110
Phone: +421 41 513 6152

Mgr. Silvia Poľaková, PhD.
Office AC112
Phone: +421 41 513 6164

Mgr. Katarína Smolková
Office AC110
Phone: +421 41 513 6152

Mgr. Gabriela Vyletelová
Office MB103
Phone: +421 41 513 5042

Mark Zenner
Office AC111
Phone: +421 41 513 6172